Many things if not everything is attached to sight. Rumours of war are not as terrifying as witnessing one, again I say sight is everything as it is a trigger for the experience. Some know God because Jesus was preached to them and this is awesome because we must start somewhere. However, some know God because Jesus was shown to them. This one will have a lasting impact. It’s hard to deny what you’ve seen.
The world or people around you may not show Jesus to you, you also have to seek to see Jesus in your daily life. My writing is to those who already know and believe that Jesus Christ exists and that he is sovereign. Job came to repentance because sight was added to what he knew. Moses was commanded to build not according to what he was told but according to what he was shown. Apostle Paul explained that our transformation will come as we consistently behold with an open face the glory of God. You must seek him yourself.
Seeing God in all matters will first reveal our foolishness in all matters before exposing us to layers of His wisdom. God’s perspective is the best perspective possible.
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