

More people and fewer slots to move up the ladder will definitely create some form of dissatisfaction,  resentment, and many nights of deep introspection.  A colleague was the only one who verbally said to others that he was not going to pursue tiering(promotion) in the year. His reasons were that he doesn’t need more money, no extra people he’s financially responsible to, and he hates paperwork. He may not be sincere, but on paper, he’s probably the only one on the team that will sleep deeply at night in this season.

Performance review is on, goals for the new year are being documented, and most importantly, team members get to see signs if they are moving up the career ladder in the new year.  I can tell you grumblings have started, and it is expected. No one wants to remain on the same spot.  The spot we are all fighting for is limited in  number, and it is based on merit and largely the discretion of the management. However, there is a spot where we can all grow at our pace, but it’s a path less travel. When we embrace our identity and live for something beyond financial gain, nobody can outshine us because the path of every man differs. Sadly, men are looking at the path of others and making a fatal decision that their own path isn’t good enough.

It either now or never. Choose and stay on your own path. You will prosper in it.

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