

A first-time mom, also known as a primipara, is a woman who is experiencing motherhood for the first time. This includes women who are pregnant with their first child, have just given birth, or are in the early stages of parenting their first child.

Transitioning to the motherhood stage is something that is highly demanding for most women. Only a few ones may see it as nothing. Whichever category You  or someone closer to you falls  into motherhood is a huge thing in women. Their body would change, some part will get swollen, and a lot of sleepless nights, especially a few weeks after birth and many more, that I might not be able to mention altogether in this article.

This  article will address ways in which you and every other person can help a first-time mom that You know.

Below are the ways:

1. Assist her with meal preparation : Cook and deliver  a balanced meals that are nutritious and easy to eat, especially during the postpartum period that will enable her to regain her strength and have enough water supplied to the breast in order to ease breastfeeding.

2.Postpartum Recovery Care: Help her with physical recovery by providing heating pads, comfortable pillows, or warm baths and respecting her privacy choice like those she want around her and how she want certain things to be done. Don’t force Your own believe on her during this stage. Help her take after birth medication as at when due to hasten her recovery.

3.Sleep Support: When babies are newly born some tend to be cranky and this crankiness causes sleeplessness or sleepless night for most mothers. Help her get rest by watching the baby while she sleeps, or offering to help with nighttime feedings.

4.Errands and Grocery Shopping: First Time mom majorly needs someone who will assist in getting somethings for them like, helping out in placing calls through, attending to visitors, fetching some water/powering on the Gen, pick up groceries, or do online shopping to save her time and energy to mention but a few.

5.Baby Care Assistance: Help with baby care tasks such as feeding, burping, changing diapers, or soothing the baby because some women who undergone a caeserian section or those that pass through normal vaginal delivery could  be so weak that they literally do nothing. This is not that they are lazy but they just don’t have the strength at all.

6.Household Chores: Yes we know that in this part of the world women are the major ones who do Household chores because they can’t fold hands and see everywhere looking unkept. But during nursing stage or the process of transitioning to motherhood could hence become stressful for some women an d that is why you should try and Offer to help with laundry, cleaning, and other household tasks to reduce her workload.

7.Emotional Support: Help her stay mentally healthy. Listen to her concerns and feelings without being  judgmental mean or rude. Avoid things she detest or that triggers negative emotions. Always offer reassurance and encouragement.Make her see beauty and the joy in being a mother through the kind of words you say and materials or resources you surround her with. Do things she likes and let her be calm and avoid bringing people she doesn’t want to see.

Please Note:
When you do all these things you might be saving a mother from staying unhappy or committing suicide due to the stress and the demand that comes with being a first time Mom. Remember, every new mother is unique, and it’s essential to tailor your support to her specific needs and preferences.

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