The only time addiction is valid is when the product is not destructive and satisfies all age ranges and at all times. This morning, I sat beside an elderly man who obviously doesn’t look rich and could be physically mistaken for someone who hasn’t attained so high in life. With grey hairs, he still has to keep a job.
However, this Papa was so engrossed with the sermon of Apostle Joshua Selman. I don’t know if he’s Nigerian but I know he’s enjoying every bit of the sermon as he was repeating the words of the apostle. Then it dawns on me a major uniqueness of the gospel. IT IS RELEVANT TO EVERYONE, EVERY TIME AND EVERYWHERE.
Tell me other things that make sense to a man all through his lifetime. The gospel is unique especially when it’s unadulterated. The depressed will find the essence of living, the poor will find wealth principles, the sick will find healing, the oppressed will find freedom, those who mourn will find comfort, the lost will relocate their coordinates for life and most importantly everyone will find hope in eternity.
The gospel is relevant to all and it’s meant to be an all-time bestseller. Love, the agape kind of love that God showered on us through Jesus Christ never fails. It is too good to be true thereby making some folks ridicule it. Isn’t it lovely to know that one’s sins can be forgiven no matter how deep you are in them.
A new life is possible with Christ, wounds can be healed and joy can return to a sorrowful heart only if you try to look beyond your weak logic. Today, this is yet another offer to consider this great life in Jesus.